Here proposed in wood, the Babila Sangiacomo container joins the various products for the sleeping area of the Sangiacomo brand. In our shop you can choose bed groups, beds, walk-in wardrobes and ever...y piece of furniture to design the bedroom as you wish. The bed groups are to be chosen respecting a certain continuity; stylistic and color with the bed and the remaining furniture. The model of wooden bed groups proposed here by Sangiacomo is characterized by excellent materials and an elegant mood.
The bed groups, like this solution of the Sangiacomo brand, are today produced with attention è qualityà ;, così like the remaining furniture and accessories of the house. The Babila Sangiacomo di San...giacomo container, offered in wood, fits well into a modern style sleeping area. The bedroom furniture includes, in addition to the wardrobe and the bed, also the bed groups, essential accessories. Among the modern style bed groups, this model by Sangiacomo darà a touch of style and design to the sleeping area.