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Porta Link: designer Giuseppe Bavuso.
The door Link Rimadesio è among the ideal doors to find a solution to closing needs. Rimadesio's door ideas are functional. All the doors of the Rimadesio brand are tested by subjecting them to precise tests and checks. With the range of Rimadesio hinged doors for interiors, the designà offers alternatives for each. Craftsmanship and technological innovation allow Rimadesio doors to satisfy every individual need. Come and discover the swing doors of which the Rimadesio Link door is part.
Doors are useful for dividing domestic environments and for ensuring privacy. With Rimadesio swing doors you can divide the space optimally. Safety and a good aesthetic result distinguish the Rimadesio Link door. This model of hinged doors for interiors of the Rimadesio brand allows various combinations, for the use of finishes and colors available. In our store you have the 26- # 39; opportunityà to see interior doors with hinged doors or sliding doors, including the Rimadesio Link door in glass.