In every lamp Foscarini guarantees qualityà in aesthetics and technical innovation, equally important in the lighting field. Each venue asks for a special lighting. Come and see this metal suspension... fixture for interiors by Foscarini in our store. With Foscarini lights such as the Buds 3 pendant lamp in Gusto you have the 26- # 39; opportunityà to better illuminate your home. With the Buds 3 pendant lamp, your home will be splenderà of the unique charm. The luminaires illuminate every activityà days at home.
With the advice of our store managers and Foscarini interior lights you will learn how to place the light points and which bulbs to choose. In our shop we offer the Buds 3 suspension lamp and the lamp...s that Foscarini produces for those who want to perfectly illuminate their home. L’ lighting in our homes serves to make diffused light in a room or to emphasize a specific area or element. The Buds 3 suspension lamp for interiors will characterizeà with style every room.