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Futura suspension lamp: Hangar Design Group
This pendant luminaire is part of the varied offer of the Vistosi brand. In the shop we guide you in designing the lighting and lights for your home. L’ lighting è important element of any domestic space sinceé accompanies all the gestures we perform. The Vistosi Futura suspension lamp for interiors embellirà your habitat as a piece of furniture.
Vistosi proposes più light sources; efficient to facilitate needà of each of us. The Vistosi Futura suspension lamp for interiors does not impose style choices, which stands out for excellence in finishes and technology. The world of 26-rsquo; Illumination è endowed with its own particular language but communicates with the furniture of the house. Vistosi produces lamps capable of defining the habitat, such as the Vistosi Futura suspension lamp.