Home - Products - Lighting - Gordon 561.21 Tooy lamp
Designed by Corrado Dotti
The Gordon 561.21 Tooy lamp in metal: valorizzerà home environments as if it were a real piece of furniture, creating atmospheres of great aesthetic value. L’ lighting è fundamental part of each interior sinceé it facilitates all the gestures we carry out: aesthetic content and technical innovation are mixed in the best way.
L’ interior design lighting è a key element in home design, sinceé it combines the best features of functionalityà and style. The Gordon 561.21 Tooy lamp in metal: manages to give life to original atmospheres with light, as well asé embellish the aesthetics of the furniture as a whole. Coming to the shop means seeing the più live; beautiful compositions of the company, always made with durable and resistant materials over time.
Type: suspended
Power: max 10w
Dimensions : Ø 12 / H23 cm