NOW Sliding: wardrobe with sliding glossy glass doors that give depth to the wardrobe
NOW Sliding Wardrobe: Daniele Lago (2007)
NOW Sliding Lake è the best solution in a modern style space. The cabinets must be chosen respecting a certain continuity; stylistic and chromatic with the bed, the bedroom and the various furnishing...s. Presented here in glass, the NOW Scorrevole Lago wardrobe is added to the various bedroom furniture of the Lago brand. The glass wardrobe model presented here by Lago stands out for its quality; of materials and for an elegant style. In our shop you can choose wardrobes, sliding doors, beds, walk-in closets and every piece of furniture to design the bedroom as you want it.
Among the modern style wardrobes with sliding doors, this model by Lago darà a touch of elegance and design to the room. L’ bedroom area furniture includes, in addition to the wardrobe and the bed, the wardrobes, indispensable items. L& # 39; NOW wardrobe Sliding Lago di Lago, offered in glass, starà to perfection in a modern style room. The wardrobes with sliding doors, like this proposal by the Lago brand, are currently designed in glass with attention and qualityà ;, così like the other furnishings in the house.