Home - Products - Tables - Matera table
Designer: Paola Navone (2017)
The proposal of Baxter dining tables finds space in the modern style living room of our home. The tables equip the dining room in the living room, like this Matera Baxter table model. The excellence of the finishes and the innovation of the production make this product of fixed dining tables the best buy. The purchase of tables for the living room or for the kitchen environment must consider style and functions that we perform in that environment. The tables are the center of socialization: people gather around the table to have lunch and to chat. With the Matera Baxter table we will be able to customize our rooms with style.
Tables are the central point of conviviality: people gather around the table to dine and talk. With the Matera Baxter table we will be able to furnish our rooms with style. The tables furnish the dining area in the living room, like this model of Matera Baxter table. The Baxter dining table model finds space in the modern style living room of our home. The purchase of tables for the living room or for the kitchen must take into account the style and functions that we perform in that interior. The qualityà of the finishes and the innovation of production make this proposal of fixed dining tables the optimal solution.